Strategic Planning

Create and implement a brilliant strategy
to grow your business.

You can develop and implement a brilliant strategy. We can help.

Our hands-on strategic planning process helps leaders create brilliant strategies, gain buy-in, and implement successfully.

SIA interventions include individual and group coaching, facilitation, planning, and accountability events.

We guide you from brainstorming to business results.

If you want to go beyond vague goals and hollow platitudes to get real business results, choose the Strategy Implementation Accelerator.

Apollo Strategy made a huge impact on our organization at a critical moment in time. They formulated a perfect blend of leadership best practices with coaching and training for more than 50 of our field managers. This engagement made a deep and lasting impact on our team. I've never been more convinced of the need to invest in people. This engagement had a lasting impact and we love the Apollo Strategy team!
- Ryann Graye

Renewable Resources Group

Without a thoughtfully crafted, well executed strategy, it's hard to reduce risk and seize opportunities.

Is your industry becoming increasingly crowded and competitive?
Has your team been blindsided by rapid change?
Do new opportunities feel out of reach because your company isn't positioned to take advantage of them?
Is the prospect of prolonged economic downturn preventing you from confidently growing your business?
Are you struggling to attract or retain top talent?

Optimize Your Business. From Strategy to Results.

Building and implementing a brilliant strategy can feel daunting. Even the most experienced leaders struggle with questions like:

What kind of strategy do we need: start-up, growth, stabilization, or innovation?
Who should be involved in strategic planning and how should we spend our time?
How do we bake the best decisions into our strategy?
How do we know it will work?
Should we get outside help?
How do we get buy-in from the people that will be responsible for executing on the strategy?
How do we make sure that our strategy is actually implemented?
How can we track progress and adjust to stay on track with our strategy?

We know it's hard to come up with a brilliant strategy and even harder to execute it.

That's why we blend the best tactics from entrepreneurship, US Army Special Forces, and academic research.

Dr. Apollo Emeka
Founder and CEO, Apollo Strategy Group Inc.

Our Prioritize, Leverage, Execute (PLE) System helps companies prioritize their values and goals, then leverage technology, information, people, and systems to successfully execute.

From Planning to Success.

Most strategic plans fail to be fully implemented. The Strategy Implementation Accelerator will help you develop and implement a brilliant strategy.

We help you get the best business results by getting everyone on the same page from the very beginning of the process.

Then we stay with you through implementation at multiple levels within your company. We help you monitor progress and pivot for success.

The Strategy Implementation Accelerator is informed by US Army Special Forces, academia, academic research, and tried and true entrepreneurial experience.

3 Steps to Unlock Your Potential.

Step 1:

Book a Call

Step 2:

Get a customized strategy implementation accelerator plan

Step 3:

Implement with us and get business results

The Strategy Implementation Accelerator is for you if:

We serve leaders who need to successfully implement a strategy for start-up, growth, stabilization, or innovation.

You have a massive goal but don't know how you'll get there.
You want everyone on your team to get on the same page.
You want a clear path forward.
You want clear ways to measure and track your progress on implementing your strategy.
You want an outside perspective to help guide your strategic planning process.
You want dedicated support and guidance for the leaders and teams responsible for implementing your strategy.
You want to involve more of the company in cultivating and implementing a strategy but don't know where to start.
You want to make your strategy real, not just platitudes and vague aspirations.
You've engaged in strategic planning in the past, you got a pretty plan, but it wasn't implemented.

The Strategy Implementation Accelerator:

The Strategy Implementation Accelerator:

There's no shared vision of where you're going in the next 1, 5, or 10 years.

Everyone is on the same page about where the company is going in the next 1, 5, and 10 years.

The approach to work is highly siloed.

The approach to work is highly collaborative and coordinated.

There's not enough time spent on strategy.

Your team allocates the right amount of time to strategy.

It's hard to tie your company's daily activities back to your strategy.

Your company's daily activities are tied directly to your strategy.

Your team doesn't know quite how to spend your strategic planning time.

Your team spends strategic planning time wisely.

Tracking progress on your strategic priorities is difficult.

Tracking progress on strategic priorities is easier.

Your company is often caught off guard or surprised.

Your company is rarely caught off guard or surprised.

There's a constant feeling of being behind or overwhelmed.

People focus on what matters most and manage their time sensibly.